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Riihimäen Lasi

Onnenlehti 1410 vase, amber

Design: Helena Tynell

180,00 € 48,00 €

Item condition

  • Vintage
  • Some imperfections
  • Unaltered

Seller’s description

At first glance, the large Onnenlehti vase is in excellent condition, but in the opening you can see a small hole against the light, which you can't feel when you try it with your finger, and there is also another small hole at the edge of the opening, which you can feel a little with your finger. An air bubble at the base, a slight unevenness like mini mini air bubbles in leaflets. I don't know if they normally belong to that kind of manufacturing technology.

Seller’s information

Private seller: Saside Verified
Location: Oulu, Finland
Estimated handling time: 3 business days

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This item cannot be returned.

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Buyer Protection

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