
F is for Follow

Your search just got easier!

Looking for a specific object?

Have you ever searched for a pre-owned gem hoping to make a purchase, only to learn that the item isn’t available? We’ll notify you when one is for sale!

First, find the item you wish to purchase. Simply click the Follow sign on the product page – we’ll take care of the rest.

  • Get notified by email when the item you are looking for is listed for sale
  • Login to your account to store all your favourites in one place
  • Manage the items easily: when your treasure is found, you can simply stop following it by removing the item from your own list

Easy as that!

New to Franckly? Sign up for a free account.

Ready to sell? Maximise your chances of selling!

Our Follow feature will show you which items are the most wanted.

Simply take a look at how many times the design item was clicked – the number can be seen as ’potential buyers’ on the product page of your choice. You can easily keep track of what your fellow design enthusiasts are looking for!

Potential buyers are notified automatically when the items they are looking for are listed for sale – and did we mention listing is free?

New to Franckly? Sign up for a free account.